Sunday, January 15, 2012

Link Round Up

The Race to Nab Web Addresses It will be interesting to see who nabs .book, .novel, and .reading. This has the possibility to shake things up if it gets widely adopted.

Literary events in 2012 New books by Toni Morrison and Zadie Smith. That made me swoon.

Why Print Is Here To Stay (A Not Anti-eBook Op/Ed) A well written article, and a well fostered debate. I believe that ebooks will eventually become dominate, but paper books will still be printed. The publishing industry will be very different in 10 years. I can't wait to see what happens.

McDonald's: UK's biggest children's book seller. I'm usually not a fan of McDonalds, but I am happy to see them putting children's books in their Happy Meals. Now if we could just get them to do this in the US.

The Case for Giving J.K. Rowling a Nobel Prize; Whither Waterstone's Apostrophe I have LONG argued that Ray Bradbury should win a Nobel Prize for literature. The committee simply refuses to entertain any science fiction or fantasy. Once Bradbury passes away (and I hope that day is FAR FAR AWAY) I will then begin to lobby for Rowling. The complete snobbery behind the nomination process is distressing and maddening.

Wonderful Murakami Covers from All Over the World  I hope you enjoy these.

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