Monday, December 26, 2011


Breadcrumbs by Anne Usru

I came across this book while listening to NPR. They are doing a Backseat Book Club* for young adults. I've decided to read along with them. My review, in short, buy this book. It's lyrical, beautiful, well written, and flat out one of the best YA books I've read since The Book Thief. I can't sing praises high enough. I should have told you this prior to Christmas, but seeing as most of my dear readers received  gift cards to bookstores, I can direct you on how to spend it. Go. Now. Buy this. Give thanks in the comment section. Trust me.

Usru's book is very much a coming of age story, but it's also a love letter. Hazel has to find her best friend, and is sent on a magical journey. The woods that she walks though are familiar. I've walked through them before, I've talked to some of the same characters Hazel has, I know their stories. Usru uses well established characters to draw the reader in. Then she uses Hazel, a  breath of fresh air, to move the story along. As familiar as everything is, Usru's characters make everything seem brand new.

Breadcrumbs is a book that opens doors to others. It's heavy influence on Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales makes me want to pick them up again. I have this strong desire to remember what those stories were like. I remember the magic they held when I was a young girl, I wonder if they still hold the same, or if it has changed now that I'm an adult.  I may buy a compendium of them this year, and read the stories when I have time.

Moving on I'm reading Lloyd Alexander's The Book of Three. It's short, so I should be done with it soon. Then I am moving on to Wildwood. Remember the January Reading Project starts soon so pick up your copies of 1984 and 1Q84 soon. I will start blogging 1984 as of the 1st of January.

*Here is a link for the podcast of December's Backseat Book Club, it includes an interview with the author.
'Breadcrumbs': Young Readers Follow A Wintry Tale


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear you liked it. I got this for my 8 year old niece for Xmas, and could barely restrain myself from cracking it open myself before I wrapped it. Maybe I'll have to get my own copy :)
