Every year the ALA (American Library Association) compiles a list of it's most challenged books. Every year I await the email with baited breath. What will be listed this year? What does America fear the most?
Gay Penguins.
Stop laughing.
I'm actually serious. Check out the list.
So, we aren't terrified that our children can get pipe bomb making instructions in the Anarchist Cookbook. . Or learn to start a race war in The Turner Diaries. Or learn how to make LSD in Practical LSD Manufacture.* Also, our friend Uncle Fester has a series of books, so once Little Johnny is done learning how to make LSD he can then turn his chemistry skills to amphetamines in, Advanced Techniques of Clandestine Psychedelic and Amphetamine Manufacture Second Edition.
All of those books are readily accessible to children. Two of them are in libraries in my city. Two of them I can buy on Amazon and have delivered to my apartment in under a week. Yet, year after year we fear gay penguins and vampires that sparkle and pout more.
I can't bring myself to argue that any of the above mentioned books should be outright banned. I don't live in that country, nor do I want to. I can, however, make one hell of an argument that a 12 year old doesn't need access to pipe bomb making instructions.
*I actually fell in love with the title of that book. Love how it's a 3rd edition. Love how proud the book is that it's a 3rd edition. I wonder what happened to the first and second?
Gay Penguins.
Stop laughing.
I'm actually serious. Check out the list.
So, we aren't terrified that our children can get pipe bomb making instructions in the Anarchist Cookbook. . Or learn to start a race war in The Turner Diaries. Or learn how to make LSD in Practical LSD Manufacture.* Also, our friend Uncle Fester has a series of books, so once Little Johnny is done learning how to make LSD he can then turn his chemistry skills to amphetamines in, Advanced Techniques of Clandestine Psychedelic and Amphetamine Manufacture Second Edition.
All of those books are readily accessible to children. Two of them are in libraries in my city. Two of them I can buy on Amazon and have delivered to my apartment in under a week. Yet, year after year we fear gay penguins and vampires that sparkle and pout more.
I can't bring myself to argue that any of the above mentioned books should be outright banned. I don't live in that country, nor do I want to. I can, however, make one hell of an argument that a 12 year old doesn't need access to pipe bomb making instructions.
*I actually fell in love with the title of that book. Love how it's a 3rd edition. Love how proud the book is that it's a 3rd edition. I wonder what happened to the first and second?
Have no problem with Penguins performing whatever unnatural acts they may so desire in private. The problem with Roy & Silo is not their deviant lifestyle. No, they are quite obviously immigrants and occupying positions that might otherwise be filled by native-born waterfowl.